Bonnie Minsky
M.A., M.P.H, L.D.N., C.N.S.
Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Nutrition Specialist,
Certified Teacher, Certified Menopause Educator,
Certified Guidance Counselor, Grandmother
Public Speaker & Media Spokeswoman
Bonnie currently serves as President and Wellness Director of Nutritional Concepts where she privately counsels. She has authored Our Children’s Health, Nutrition in a Nutshell, and Circle of Health Food Chart.
Dr. Steven Gundry
MD Surgeon
Researcher and Author of The Diet Evolution
Dr. Steven Gundry initially created a diet to help his patients lower their cholesterol. He soon realized the diet might help others improve their health and wrote the book “Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution,” detailing dietary recommendations that he says help prevent chronic diseases such as high blood pressure. The Gundry Diet Evolution consists of three phases that involve shifting your eating pattern to rely more on fresh plants over animal protein.
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Chicago’s Contribution to Naprapathy
In what was probably a self-referential moment, Saul Bellow, Chicago’s Nobel Prize winning novelist, once remarked that Chicagoans rarely acknowledge their heroes. Well today I bring you a new candidate. Beyond a small circle of naprapathic physicians, it’s unlikely many of us have ever heard of Dr. Oakley Smith, who, as a young chiropractor in the early 20th century first formulated the principles of naprapathy, a homegrown bodywork therapy. Read more at WHOLEHEALTHCHICAGO.COM

Eva Skillgate
Karolinska Institutet, Solna
Associate Professor / Docent