Sports and Health Clinic

Dr. Ulf Henricsson – Doctor of Naprapathy


Naprapathy is one practice group within Manual Medicine, along with Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and Physical Therapy, that is grounded in manipulation/mobilization. Naprapaths specialize in functional disturbances and disorders in the moving body, primarily, but not exclusively, the spine, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. An examination and visit will include the taking of a medical history, orthopedic and muscle tests, a physical assessment, treatment, and follow up. Dr. Ulf Henricsson founded the Sports & Health Clinic in 1989 and has been working full time since then in his clinic. Besides treating and teaching problems of the MUSCLES, BONES, JOINTS, and SOFT TISSUE, he emphasizes the NUTRITIONAL part of human well being.

Sports & Health Clinic Chicago

101 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60654

CONTACT Sports & Health Clinic today for a free consultation.

Dr. Ulf Henricsson

Ulf Henricsson founded the Sports and Health Clinic in 1989 and has been working full time since then in his clinic. Click HERE to learn more.